Dadflamingo Moved up to Tier-2 in Legal500 2023 Rankings

We are incredibly proud to be recognised, once again, as one of Iran’s top law firms in Legal500 Ranking 2023. Dadflamingo legal department has moved up to Tier-2 this year.

We warmly thank all client referees and peers who have generously contributed to this recognition and look forward to continue working with them in the future. Our commitment to deliver high-quality services remains unwavering and we strive every day to maintain the high standards in assisting our clients.

Special congratulations as well to our managing partner, Ms Sanaz Hosseini who has been reconginsed as the Next Generation Partner for the second year in a row, and is singled out by our clients in the Legal500 testimonials.

At Dadflamingo we believe that team work is the real driver of success, so a big thank you to our lawyers for their hard work, dedication and commitment. We couldn’t have achieved this without you!